Questions and answers from March 18, 2024 public engagement session
Q21. What happened to the curtains, backdrop, piano, etc.?
The piano previously located within the Vittoria Old Town Hall has been relocated to the Vittoria and District Community Centre.
In reviewing the lease agreement, items not needed for use could be disposed of by the Lessee.
Q22 a. Who decided to lease out the town hall?
An answer to this question is online already, please see question 3 on this EngageNorfolk webpage.
Q22 b. Were the tax-paying community members consulted? If so, can I see a record of that?
In June 2020, Norfolk County issued a call for submissions for community organizations or private groups interested in operating or supporting a community hall or arena. Interested parties could submit a proposal, which was presented to Council for consideration and final direction. Council agreed to the Vittoria Town Hall proposal in a public council meeting.
To learn more about the call for submissions, read the June 2020 media release and access FAQs, video recordings, and more.
Q22 c. Was there an annual budget for maintenance? How much was that budget?
There is an annual budget of $14,700 for the operations and maintenance of the Vittoria Old Town Hall.
Q22 d. When did it stop being maintained?
Minor maintenance continues. Major maintenance stopped after the discovery of the extensive structural work required during the detailed design phase of the 2022 capital project. This structural work is required to open the building to the public safely. Minor maintenance and operations of the building as a non-occupiable space continue.
Q22 e. Who decided to stop that maintenance?
Norfolk County decided to hold off with major maintenance pending a Council decision on capital works.
Q22 f. If there was a budget, where did that money go?
Any surplus funds at the end of each year go to year-end surplus or deficit.
Q22 g. Who did the estimate of repairs?
John G. Cooke & Associates Ltd. completed the cost estimates. John G. Cooke & Associates are consulting engineers who specialize in building restorations of heritage-designated buildings. As the report was completed in 2022, staff have included industry standard construction inflation figures to estimate the cost of construction in 2024/2025.
Q22 h. Where can I get a copy of that estimate?
The report is uploaded to this EngageNorfolk page (Important Documents section). The 2022 Building Condition Assessment completed by Englobe Corporation is also on this EngageNorfolk page.
Q23: Is there an agreement which states the County could not sell the Hall or land?)
Staff, in conjunction with legal, have completed an in-depth review of title to both parcels and can confirm that there are currently no legally viable or unexpired restrictive covenants to either property.
Consultation has concluded