Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System —Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Consultation has concluded

Update: The Second Public Information Centre will be held on November 8, 2022, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Norfolk County (County) has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to implement an approximately 20 km long transmission water main that connects Simcoe to the Townsend Water Supply System, to secure water supply from the Nanticoke Water Treatment Plant, including a new elevated water tank and booster station. These improvements are required to meet long-term Inter-Urban Water Supply capacity and quality demands within the County. The proposed water main route is shown on the key map below.
This study is beingContinue reading
Update: The Second Public Information Centre will be held on November 8, 2022, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Norfolk County (County) has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to implement an approximately 20 km long transmission water main that connects Simcoe to the Townsend Water Supply System, to secure water supply from the Nanticoke Water Treatment Plant, including a new elevated water tank and booster station. These improvements are required to meet long-term Inter-Urban Water Supply capacity and quality demands within the County. The proposed water main route is shown on the key map below.
This study is being undertaken in accordance with the requirements for Schedule ‘B’ projects within the Municipal Class EA document (2000, as amended), under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
Additional information on Norfolk County's Inter-Urban Water Study can be found here.
Notice of Completion
Share Notice of Completion on Facebook Share Notice of Completion on Twitter Share Notice of Completion on Linkedin Email Notice of Completion linkThis Study was conducted in accordance with the requirements for Schedule ‘B’ projects within the Municipal Class EA document(as amended in 2015), under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
A Project File Report summarizing the study process and recommendations is available for public review for 30 calendar days from April 26, 2023, to May 26, 2023. The Project File Report will be available for review at the following locations:
On this page In-person: ServiceNorfolk Counter, 185 Robinson St., Simcoe, Phone: 519-426-5870 ext. 0
Interested persons may provide written comments to the following by May 26, 2023:
Mariana Balaban, P.Eng., PhD - Project Director - Norfolk County, Phone: 519-426-5870 ext. 8158, Email:
In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e., requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g., require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requester contact information and full name for the ministry.
Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 777 Bay Street, 5th Floor Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Email:
Director, Environmental Assessment Branch Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor Toronto ON, M4V 1P5 Email:
Accessible formats and communication supports available upon request.
Personal information collected on this subject is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, the Municipal Act, and the Environmental Assessment Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments and information received will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation.
Public Information Centre # 2
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Norfolk County (County) has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to implement an approximately 20 km length transmission watermain that connects Simcoe to the Townsend Water Supply System, to secure water supply from the Nanticoke Water Treatment Plant, including a new elevated water tank and booster station. These improvements are required to meet long-term Inter-Urban Water Supply capacity and quality demands within the County. The proposed watermain route is shown on the key map below.
This Study is being undertaken in accordance with the requirements for Schedule ‘B’ projects within the Municipal Class EA document (2000, as amended), under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
How can I participate in this Study?
The first Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on August 4, 2022, to present background information and introduce the project team. The second PIC is scheduled to provide a study update and present the preferred site location for the booster pumping station and elevated tower. The PIC will be in-person at the
Norfolk County Administration Building Council Chambers
50 Colborne St S, Simcoe, ON
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
5:00 p.m. to 7 p.m.
If you would like more information about the study or would like to be added to the contact list to receive future notices, please contact the following by Tuesday, December 6, 2022:
Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
Public Information Centre # 1
Share Public Information Centre # 1 on Facebook Share Public Information Centre # 1 on Twitter Share Public Information Centre # 1 on Linkedin Email Public Information Centre # 1 linkNotice of Public Information Centre 1 Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
NEW. Please see the presentation, below
Norfolk County (County) has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to implement an approximately 20 km length transmission watermain that connects Simcoe to the Townsend Water Supply System, to secure water supply from the Nanticoke Water Treatment Plant, including a new elevated water tank and booster station. These improvements are required to meet long-term Inter-Urban Water Supply capacity and quality demands within the County. The proposed watermain route is shown on the key map below.
This Study is being undertaken in accordance with the requirements for Schedule ‘B’ projects within the Municipal Class EA document (2000, as amended), under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
How can I participate in this Study?
A Public Information Centre (PIC) is being held to present background information on the study. The PIC will be in-person at:
Norfolk County Administration Building Council Chambers
50 Colborne St S, Simcoe, ON
Thursday, August 4, 2022
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
If you would like more information about the study or would like to be added to the contact list to receive future notices, please contact the following by Thursday, September 1, 2022.
Notice of Study Commencement Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Share Notice of Study Commencement Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Facebook Share Notice of Study Commencement Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Twitter Share Notice of Study Commencement Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Linkedin Email Notice of Study Commencement Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System Municipal Class Environmental Assessment linkNorfolk County (County) has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to implement an approximately 20 km length transmission water main that connects Simcoe to the Townsend Water Supply System, to secure water supply from the Nanticoke Water Treatment Plant, including a new elevated water tank and booster station.
Who's Listening
Phone 519-426-5870 Email -
Phone 416-598-7695 Email
Project Timeline
August 04 2022
November 08 2022
Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply Municipal Class Environmental Assessment - Final report (36.4 MB) (pdf)
Notice of Completion - Simcoe-Townsend - Print ad - April 2023.pdf (122 KB) (pdf)
Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System - PIC # 2.pdf (13.1 MB) (pdf)
Simcoe-Townsend Water Supply System presentation - PIC#1.pdf (19.8 MB) (pdf)